We've been providing comprehensive courses for over 35 years
only $23.95
My. Anthony Perlongo (founder) + Dr. Leonard F. Dalton (board member) are some of our distinguished members.
Beginning in 1981, Mr. Anthony Perlongo, founder of the New York Safety Program, has been a nationally prominent leader throughout the field of driver safety and defensive driving initiatives. His accomplishments as a State and National President of the Driver Education Guild, Executive Director of the Highway Safety Foundation, New York University Instructor in Driver Education and Training, and member of various civic organizations have brought him recognition throughout the Country.
We are proud and honored to have as a member of our Board of Trustees, the nationally known Dr. Leonard F. Dalton, Panel Member Education Appeal Board, United States Dept. of Education, known to be the "Father of the Behavior Modification Course". In 1974, Dr. Dalton, a Public School Administrator in California and a National Consultant for the Charles F. Kettering Foundation, developed specific performance objectives for each program, and provided criterion referred pre-tests, post-tested, learning activities, media methods, references, follow-up studies and training instructors.
Beginning 2009, Internet Point & Insurance Reduction Programs were offered as a simplified alternative method for defensive driving, but with the same great benefits of a traditional classroom course. Since then, New York drivers have been able to complete their defensive driving course over the internet using any computer or mobile device from the comfort of their own homes, or from any other location (public library, school, cyber café, a friend's house).
Dr. Dalton instituted our program online which is designed to change the driver's attitude. With our programs, we work to create better attitudes and thereby obtain a change in behavior. As pioneers of this particular program, you can be assured that we have formulated, what we believe to be, one of the best and most comprehensive courses available in the State of New York.